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RaBBiT Peppermint 4mg

Freshen up your nicotine experience with Rabbit Peppermint Nicotine Pouches.
RaBBiT Peppermint 4mg

RaBBiT Peppermint 4mg

Freshen up your nicotine experience with Rabbit Peppermint Nicotine Pouches.


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DHL Express | Europe
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Information RaBBiT Peppermint 4mg

Marke RaBBiT
Inhalt pro Dose 13g
Portionsgröße Slim
Nikotinstärke 4mg/Beutel
Beutel pro Dose 20
Stärke Leicht
Gewicht pro Beutel 0.65g
Aroma Minze
Hersteller Sungura Int.
Herkunftsland Litauen