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LYFT Tropic Breeze Mini

Revive your day with LYFT nicotine pouches - a tropical fusion in every pouch.
LYFT Tropic Breeze Mini

LYFT Tropic Breeze Mini

Revive your day with LYFT nicotine pouches - a tropical fusion in every pouch.


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DHL Express | Europe
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The mini size with big taste

Wake up your everyday life with a trip to Asia. Experience the fusion of tropical fruits such as mandarin, passion fruit, and mango. Enjoy a velvety and soft sensation with every use. Despite the smaller format, the LYFT strength remains the same.

Information LYFT Tropic Breeze Mini

Marke Lyft
Inhalt pro Dose 10g
Portionsgröße Mini
Nikotinstärke 6mg/Beutel
Beutel pro Dose 20
Stärke Normal
Gewicht pro Beutel 0.5g
Aroma Frucht
Hersteller BAT
Herkunftsland Dänemark