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ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong

Experience the chill of ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong nicotine pouches - an unmatched blend of sweet citrus and frosty freshness.
ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong

ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong

Experience the chill of ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong nicotine pouches - an unmatched blend of sweet citrus and frosty freshness.
4.99 /Stück
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ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong

ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong nicotine pouches contain a combination of sweet citrus flavors, together with a titillating and cooling effect. This unique combination creates something special and sets it apart from other citrus nicotine pouches in the market.

Information ZEUS Frozen Citrus Strong

Marke ZEUS
Inhalt pro Dose 10g
Portionsgröße Slim
Nikotinstärke 10mg/Beutel
Beutel pro Dose 20
Stärke Extrem stark
Gewicht pro Beutel 0.5g
Aroma Mischung
Hersteller Vivasnus
Herkunftsland Lettland

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