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VELO Cinnamon Flame

Features flavors of cinnamon and black pepper.
VELO Cinnamon Flame

VELO Cinnamon Flame

Features flavors of cinnamon and black pepper.


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VELO Cinnamon Flame Strong

The nicotine pouches VELO Cinnamon Flame are an all-white product with a spicy flavor. The portions have a nicotine strength of 3/4 and contain no tobacco. Instead, nicotine is added in the form of nicotine salt, extracted from the tobacco plant.

About VELO Cinnamon Flame Strong

The all-white product, VELO Cinnamon Flame, features flavors of cinnamon and black pepper. These tobacco-free portions consist of plant fibers, flavors, and nicotine. VELO snus pouches come in a slim format, with each box containing 20 pouches featuring a dry surface and moist content. This low moisture content minimizes dripping, allowing the flavor to be released gradually.

Information VELO Cinnamon Flame

Marke VELO
Inhalt pro Dose 14g
Portionsgröße Slim
Nikotinstärke 10mg/Beutel
Beutel pro Dose 20
Stärke Stark
Gewicht pro Beutel 0.7g
Aroma Mischung
Hersteller BAT
Herkunftsland Dänemark

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