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Strong Nicotine Pouches

This category is a collection of all our strongest nicotine pouches.

Why use stronger nicotine pouches?

44.9 SEK /st
VELO Mighty Peppermint Ultra 14MG
44.9 SEK /st
VELO Mighty Peppermint Max 17MG
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2 av 2 sedda produkter

Why use stronger nicotine pouches?

The choice of strength on the pouches that you want to use depends on your level of addiction to nicotine. So if you are a heavy smoker and want to find a more healthy substitute. A stronger alternative of pouches is favourable.

So, if you are a heavy nicotine user from tobacco products and want to quit. Nicotine pouches is a more healthy option. Start with stronger nicotine pouches and then gradually go for milder and milder nicotine strength over time. Eventually your nicotine addiction will be at a minimal. And if your end goal is to quit, you are now at a level that will make this change not so drastic for your body and mind. Also there are completely nicotine free pouches to smoothen out the last step even more.

Good luck!