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LYFT Ice Cool Strong

Experience the Chill with LYFT Ice Cool Nicotine Pouches - No Tobacco, All Strength
LYFT Ice Cool Strong

LYFT Ice Cool Strong

Experience the Chill with LYFT Ice Cool Nicotine Pouches - No Tobacco, All Strength


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A strong icing cooleness with LYFT Ice Cool Strong!

LYFT Ice Cool! Delicious white nicotine portions made without tobacco. The portions are crafted with eucalyptus and pine fibers, enhanced with nicotine extract extracted from tobacco. Feel the strength fill you as you experience the intense LYFT Ice Cool Strong. Just like a cold winter day in the Alps, you'll be hit with crisp peppermint flavors that blend with hints of sweetness and herbal tones.

Information LYFT Ice Cool Strong

Brand Lyft
Content Per Can 16.8g
Portion Size Slim
Nicotine Strength 9.8mg/pouch
Pouches Per Can 24
Strength Strong
Weight Per Pouch 0.7g
Flavor Mint
Manufacturer BAT
Country Of Origin Denmark