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LYFT Freeze

Feel the Freeze with LYFT - Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches
LYFT Freeze

LYFT Freeze

Feel the Freeze with LYFT - Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches

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Try the strong and crispy LYFT Freeze nicotine pouch!

LYFT Freeze! White, tasty nicotine portions without tobacco. The portions are made from fiber derived from eucalyptus and pine, with added nicotine extract extracted from tobacco. This high-octane experience offers intense peppermint and icy menthol flavors, providing a kick out of the ordinary.

Information LYFT Freeze

Marque Lyft
Contenu par boîte 16.8g
Taille de la portion Slim
Teneur en nicotine 11mg/sachet
Sachets par boîte 24
Intensité Extra fort
Poids par sachet 0.7g
Saveur Menthe
Fabricant BAT
Pays d'origine Danemark