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Nordic Spirit Elderflower

Experience the essence of Swedish summer, anytime, anywhere with Nordic Spirit Elderflower Nicotine Pouches
Nordic Spirit Elderflower

Nordic Spirit Elderflower

Experience the essence of Swedish summer, anytime, anywhere with Nordic Spirit Elderflower Nicotine Pouches


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Swedish summer in a can!

"Swedish summer in a can! Nordic Spirit Elderflower combines classic flavors in a modern, tobacco-free format. It has a unique but finely-tuned character that reminds one of the Swedish summer, with a taste of elderberry and hints of citrus."

Information Nordic Spirit Elderflower

Brand Nordic Spirit
Content Per Can 13g
Portion Size Slim
Nicotine Strength 9.1mg/pouch
Pouches Per Can 20
Strength Strong
Weight Per Pouch 0.65g
Flavor Berry
Manufacturer Nordic Snus
Country Of Origin Sweden